
Minutes of DWHC Planning Meeting 10th January 2011

1. Present

Shirley Franklin, Mick Gilgunn, David Emmett, Angela Sinclair,
Ian Shacklock, Jem Lindon

2. Apologies

Jacky Davis, Kate Wilkinson, Jeremy Corbyn, Janet Shapiro, Emma Dixon, Katy Gold

3. Mins of last Meeting

(6th Dec). 10 people attended last meeting. It was the AGM and included election of officers. Gill George was guest speaker. Ian was thanked for producing the minutes. Gill was thanked for her informative talk.

4. IHOOPS Demonstration (5th Feb)

Mick Gilgunn to liaise (on behalf of IHOOPS) with Unison Health

5. Website

Ian to arrange renewal of the domain and service.

6. Chase Farm

Lansley had promised that the Chase Farm hospital was safe, but Mr Conroy has contradicted him.

7. King George’s A&E closure

Shirley to speak at a demonstration in Ilford.

8. Keep Our NHS Public (KONP)

There was discussion on whether we should become part of KONP. Ian to write to Wendy Savage.

9. Future events

  • Sat 5th February. IHOOPS March
  • Mon 7th March. Next DWHC meeting. Location: TBC
  • Sat 26th March. TUC Demonstration for Jobs and services.
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