
Archive for December, 2013

Minutes 4 November 2013

December 8th, 2013 No comments


DWHC Minutes 4 November 2013

Place: Archway Methodist Church 19.00 – 20.50

Chair: Shirley Franklin Minutes: Valerie Lipman

1. Introductions and apologies

Shirley welcomed everyone to the meeting. No apologies had been received.

2. Minutes and matters arising

Previous minutes were approved and signed as a correct record.

Matters arising:

i) It was noted that people’s initials were used, rather than full names to maintain privacy of individuals

ii) Chase Farm demonstration attracted 200 people. LB Enfield were applying for judicial review on 5 November on grounds that the site had been prevented from delivering the full range of services that it had been set up for.

iii) North London People’s Assembly had included a session on health, at which Shirley spoke, with Bronwen Handyside from Unite and KOPP

3. Report back on People’s Enquiry

Shirley reported back. The panel was chaired by Roy Lilley and included John Lister, Polly Toynbee and Louise Irvine. Submissions were made, among others, by UNITE, Jeremy Corbyn, David Lammy, Defend Haringey Health Services and SF. SF provided information on two topics: on the DWHC, and on mental health services. She gave the history of the campaign, the frustrations of obtaining accurate information from Whittington Health, for example on hospital bed numbers and staffing levels; and raised points about the costs of becoming a Foundation Trust. Submissions by others included questions to the Panel about the problems private contractors and the loss of government accountability and responsibility at the highest levels when things go wrong with health services and health care.

4. Update on Whittington Health

SF is still seeking definitive statement from the Communications department about the number of beds in the hospital. A question was raised about the levels of ITU beds, and anxieties express about the future of the A&E services in the light of the recently announced cuts in North London services.

PR reported on his attendance at the Islington Patient Group.

It was suggested that the DWHC should consider the role it could play in Mental Health, in addition to other health services. CM commented on the role that Camden Mental User Service played in looking at Camden Councils contract for delivery of mental health services.

5. Future Activities

i) A list of activities was attached to the agenda.

  • JL & SF might be attending the London Coordinating meeting on 12 November at UNITE.

  • VL and PR would be attending Islington CCG meeting on 6 November. Issues to look at would include contracting arrangements between CCG and the Whittington and Winter Pressure beds.

ii) DWHC AGM – to be held on 2nd December. Agreed to invite a speaker to talk about the impact of the health service changes on communities and patients. SF to invite Gill George.

The Constitution would be circulated with papers for the meeting, along with the notes of the last AGM (held in 2010). Requests for any changes to the constitution should be made ahead of the AGM.

6. AOB

Jem suggested DWHC write a letter to the local papers thanking everyone – shopkeepers, local businesses etc – for their support. Steve agreed to do this.

The meeting closed at 8.45

The next meeting will be held following the AGM on December 2nd at Archway Methodist Centre.

VL 15 November 2013

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