
Posts Tagged ‘nhs’

Lobby of Islington Area Health Board Meeting, 28th January 09.00

January 25th, 2010 No comments

3rd floor Conference Room, 338-346 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7LQ

Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition: article in Camden New Journal

January 18th, 2010 No comments

From the Camden New Journal:

Save the Whittington: Key report will not be made public

NHS bosses are refusing to release a report that is believed to be driving shock proposals to shut the Whittington’s accident and emergency department.
The McKinsey consultancy firm has advised NHS London that 60 per cent of A&E visits and 50 per cent of outpatient appointments can be met in super-size walk in health centres and “polyclinics”.

Read the rest of the article on the Camden New Journal website:


January 10th, 2010 2 comments

Please sign our online petition at

Also, we have a hard copy available for download: Whittington petition

If you’re involved in any community activities please print a few off and try to get as many signatures as possible. The address to return petitions to is:

Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition

Whittington Park Community Centre

Yerbury Road


N19 4RS

Campaign Update

January 8th, 2010 No comments

The latest update from Joint Chair, Shirley Franklin:

Hi Everyone,

Despite really treacherous conditions on pavements and roads, last night, we had a brilliantly attended planning meeting.

We had a great range of people there – one of our MPs, our local vicar, all the main political parties, representatives from residents’ groups, The Highgate Society, trade unions, etc.

We decided to campaign using the attached petition with our friends, neighbours, local surgeries and stalls outside the Whittington, Holloway and Archway tubes, etc. We will also be contacting local groups and charities. Please feel free to contact these groups and campaign where you can. Feedback to this email address would be handy. It is a good idea to do collections for the campaign. Again please let us know about the outcomes in terms of petitions and funds.

The attached A5 leaflets can be printed two sided.

Completed petitions should be handed into the Whittington Community Centre in an envelope with our name on. We are planning to hand these into the relevant person at the relevant time. This will probably be the Department for Health, possibly in the week after our demo.

There will be stalls on Saturday at Archway tube and outside Selby/Morrisons in Holloway Rd at 12. Please join us! Hopefully these will continue around our area on a regular basis.

On January 25th Rachel Tyndall, Chief Executive of the North Central NHS, will be speaking at a public meeting organised by Jeremy Corbyn – 7.00, 25th Jan at Archway Hall in the middle of Archway roundabout. She is being asked to respond to the questions asked of her in the last public meeting. Please make every effort to attend this important event.

We are planning to hold our demonstration on 27th February at 12 from Highbury Fields to the Whittington. It is really important that this is as big as possible. Someone had a great idea about everyone wearing cat masks. Again, please let people know about it.

Our next planning meeting is on 21st January at 7 at the Whittington Centre and fortnightly thereafter.

Please let any interested party know they are welcome to our planning meetings and to join the campaign, petition, etc. and to contribute to our funds!

Best wishes,

Shirley Franklin


Whittington leaflet

Whittington petition

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