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Please sign our online petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/dwhc/petition.html

Also, we have a hard copy available for download: Whittington petition

If you’re involved in any community activities please print a few off and try to get as many signatures as possible. The address to return petitions to is:

Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition

Whittington Park Community Centre

Yerbury Road


N19 4RS

  1. Gary Heather
    January 11th, 2010 at 14:07 | #1

    There must be no closure of the Whittington Hospital A&E; NHS London has a duty to improve clincal care for patients not damage existing health care provision for the people of Islington and its environs.

  2. January 11th, 2010 at 17:44 | #2

    I am really pleased that this strong cross-party coalition has come together to defend the Whittington Hospital. It is vitally important that we act now to protect the A&E department and, more broadly, to defend NHS services against privatisation.

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