
Posts Tagged ‘nhs’

March and Rally to Defend the Whittington Hospital’s A&E 27/02/2010

January 31st, 2010 Comments off

We’ll be meeting at Highbury Corner then marching along Holloway Road, to the Whittington for the rally.

A flyer can be downloaded here.

Please spread the word, share the Facebook event in your profile and bring along as many people as possible.

We need to show that we will not accept the closure of the Whittington’s A&E.

Nearest tube: Highbury and Islington.

Bus map of the area from Transport For London (.pdf)

DWHC: Campaign Update

January 31st, 2010 No comments

Press coverage and the public meeting of 25th January 2010

Following last Monday’s meeting there has been a fair bit of press coverage, including this article in The Guardian: Hands Off Our A&E.

There have also been a few items in the local press, many naming the DWHC. See the ‘In The Press’ section at the top of this page for more links.  Read more…

DWHC Planning Meeting, 8th February

January 28th, 2010 No comments

Regular planning meeting. All are welcome.

DWHC: Local press news about Monday’s meeting.

January 27th, 2010 4 comments

These are two items from local papers about the meeting last Monday at Archway Methodist Church Hall and publicising the forthcoming march on 27th February.

The first is from the Islington Gazette (original article here.)

Hospital campaigners on march to save A&E

27 January 2010

THOUSANDS of people are set to take part in a massive protest rally next month to save The Whittington Hospital’s accident and emergency department from being axed.

Islington residents, patients, community campaigners and politicians from all parties are to unite to march along Holloway Road to Whittington Park, Upper Holloway, on Saturday, February 27.

They will demand that north London health chiefs abandon moves to potentially close the Archway hospital’s 24-hour emergency department as part of plans to downgrade it to “local” hospital status.

The protest, which will gather at 12noon in Highbury Fields, has been organised by newly-founded campaign umbrella group Defend The Whittington Hospital Coalition.

Joint chairwoman Shirley Franklin, speaking at a 350-strong public meeting on Monday, said: “People are horrified and terrified – the bottom line is keep the A&E open as it is. We need you not just to bring yourselves but bring your whole street. We really need to make this as big as possible.” Read more…

Photos from the Whittington public meeting, 25/01/2010

January 25th, 2010 1 comment

In lieu of a proper report here are a couple of photos from tonight’s meeting.

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