
Posts Tagged ‘nhs’

The North Central London NHS Sector Organisation Review Update

February 20th, 2010 5 comments

We’ve received this piece of NCL NHS information through a third party rather than directly from NCL NHS themselves.

“NCL Vision

To improve the health of our population over the next five years compared with Londoners as a whole. In particular, we will improve health outcomes by addressing health inequalities within our population, focusing on our most deprived communities.” Read more…

Press Coverage and a Public Meeting

February 19th, 2010 5 comments

First up, The Camden New Journal and Islington Tribune ran a large feature about the campaign, including more celebrity support and background to the plans for our A&E and focusing on the uncertainty these plans have created for staff at the Whittington:

FEAR and uncertainty over the future of Whittington Hospital could spark a mass exodus of specialist staff, union leaders have warned.

Unison’s national head of health, Karen Jennings, said proposals to close down the Whittington’s accident and emergency department had left a dark cloud over the Highgate hospital.

She said A&E staff were “afraid” and “intimidated” and that hundreds of jobs will be axed if the casualty section is closed. Read more…

Whittington Song

February 17th, 2010 2 comments

At some point over last weekend a friend and I wrote this and I recorded it in true bedsit fashion.

Click here for the song: Whittington Song.

The Whittington Song, by Dave Plummer and Andria Britton.

Don’t make a casualty of our A&E,
Don’t try to fit us all in to the Royal Free,
Not saying nothing’s wrong with the Homerton,
But we need an A&E at the Whittington. Read more…

Campaign Update from Shirley Franklin, DWHC Joint Chair

February 16th, 2010 1 comment

Hi everyone,

The day of the demo looms closer so most of our activity is focusing on making it as much of a spectacle as possible.

Please note the *new route *- Assemble at *Highbury Corner at 12*, not Highbury Fields – and it will go to the front of the hospital in Magdala Avenue. Islington Tribune have hired a bus that will go ahead of the march – regs, I’m afraid.

*Mass leafleting* at Holloway Road, by Morrisons entrance *11.30 on Saturday 20th *February.

Please leaflet wherever you can and also use the petitions in hard copy and on line. You can use this leaflet for yours and others’ windows, in addition to the fab info and posters in last week’s Islington Tribune. Look forward to seeing you at the above events – especially the demonstration!

Shirley Franklin,

Joint Chair of Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition


February 13th, 2010 No comments

OK, it wasn’t much of a cavalcade to be honest but it was a smashing few hours by Archway Station. The DWHC car spread the message, flyers were distributed and several sheets of petitions were filled. Jeremy Corbyn came along bearing much appreciated coffees and support.

People really do feel very strongly about this. Having spent much of my leafleting time for other causes seeing people take a leaflet and shortly thereafter chuck it in a bin it’s a real pleasure to see them stop in their tracks as they read DWHC leaflets, turn around and come back to find out more.

There are a couple of photos but unfortunately WordPress seems to be having a bit of a moment and won’t let me put them on the site.  I’ll pop ’em on the Facebook group instead and hopefully get ’em up here when WordPress stops being stroppy.

Thanks to all of you for your support.  We can save our A&E if we shout loudly enough and our voices aren’t even warmed up yet.

Dave Plummer,

DWHC secretary and web fella’.

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