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Press Coverage and a Public Meeting

February 19th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

First up, The Camden New Journal and Islington Tribune ran a large feature about the campaign, including more celebrity support and background to the plans for our A&E and focusing on the uncertainty these plans have created for staff at the Whittington:

FEAR and uncertainty over the future of Whittington Hospital could spark a mass exodus of specialist staff, union leaders have warned.

Unison’s national head of health, Karen Jennings, said proposals to close down the Whittington’s accident and emergency department had left a dark cloud over the Highgate hospital.

She said A&E staff were “afraid” and “intimidated” and that hundreds of jobs will be axed if the casualty section is closed.

Ms Jennings said: “The concern is that medical teams, consultants and surgeons are already looking for jobs elsewhere.

“They fear their future will be short-lived. I have spoken to staff and they are afraid and intimidated. They have told me they are frightened to speak out. Hundreds of jobs will go if this goes through.”

Documents released last week revealed how the Whittington is under real threat of being designated as a “local hospital” – rather than its current “general” status – without key departments such as an A&E or a maternity unit.

Ms Jennings said the job cuts would be “much worse” than at the Royal Free Hospital where 180 posts are being “disestablished”, as revealed in the New Journal a fortnight ago.

Read the rest of the article here.

They’ve also put together a video for Casualty (the Whittington song):

Lynne Featherstone (MP for Hornsey and Wood Green) is holding a public meeting on Thursday the 4th March from 8 pm, Greig City Academy, Hornsey, N8 7NU. Rachel Tyndall will be attending and it will be interesting to see if things have changed since the Archway meeting a few weeks back. There’s more information about the meeting on Lynn’s blog.

Please remember to  join our Facebook group, sign up for the march and rally on 27th February, sign the petition, follow us on Twitter and spread the word.

  1. February 28th, 2010 at 11:03 | #1

    Brenda Williams has done silent protests against hospital closured in north London for 10 years.She started adding placards-tied to railings-in Hampstaed Green some years ago.15 months ago council officials started to rip her placards down-£3k worth plus to date have gone.2 weeks ago two policemen held Brenda forcibly while 3 council heavies stole her placards.Everything she does is legal.Everything her enemies fave done is wrong.This time we shall not be overcome.We need help.Please phone me on 02086412212-just to help mind the placards.The Whittington closure is top on our list.If you contact me Ill fill u in -Goolgle me for info!

  2. March 16th, 2010 at 21:54 | #2

    I think the Secretary of State for Health should issue an executive order to suspend the NHS North Central Planning Group as it is acting without authority and those most responsible-Rachel Tyndall and Stephen Conroy-should be held to account for hiring the Connaught Rooms , using NHS funds to hold a so-called “stakeholder event”which is a launchpad for half a billion cuts without consultation in face of massive public opposition spearheaded by this Coalition and supported by MPs and councillors from all three parties in all five boroughs.

  3. April 3rd, 2010 at 13:32 | #3

    On March 19th I sent a Freedom of Information request to Islington PCT asking them to provide source/authority of the decision to cut £1/2 billion from north London healthcare provision over 5 years e.g.if by directive,gateway number;if by minister or by delegated authority.I received email acknowlegement on March 24th.They have 29 working days to responde.g.g.by May 5th.ON SUCH A MATTER WHY THE DELAY OR DO THEY HAVE NOTHING TO SAY?

  4. April 9th, 2010 at 09:19 | #4

    A similar attempt to close an A and E dept here two years ago was defeated by a coalition of mp’s from all three parties and the leaders of the relevant borough councils.After further negociations a £219m upgrade for the same hospital-St Helier-was finally announced this week!This shows what an effective coalition can do and Sutton is not noted for its political awareness.North London is politically the hottest potato in the UK and I read with horror andf dismay reports of the implacability of Ruth Tyndall.Last week’s Camden New Journal leader demanded her swift departure and I’m sure we all concur-RUTH TYNDALL MUST GO

  5. April 10th, 2010 at 12:29 | #5

    The Enfield Gazette is under the impression that Rachel Tyndall is “a top NHS boss”.No doubt Ms Tyndall-Chief Executive of Islington PCT would like herself to be see as but the truth is that she is no more than a middle manager and middling meddling middle manager at that.

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