
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Protest outside Dept of Health (Whitehall) on 29th July 2010

August 1st, 2010 No comments

Here are some photos of the protest in Whitehall.

Katy Gold (DWHC), with petition

Jeremy Corbyn, MP

Kate Wilkinson (Save Chase Farm Hospital)

Shirley Franklin (DWHC)

Candi Udwin (Keep Our NHS Public)

Richard Greening (Islington Council’s executive member for finance)

Mick Gilgunn (Islington Trades Council)

And here is a photo taken on 29th April 2010 when Andrew Lansley visited the Whittington Hospital to assure us all that it was going to be in safe hands.

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Raising Awareness in Holloway Road, 24th July 2010

August 1st, 2010 No comments

Here are some photos of our stall in Holloway Road.

Following the disappointing response from Stephen Conroy on 23rd July, we decided to raise our profile in the streets. Members of the public queued up to sign our new petition and to find out about the latest threats to NHS services.

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Protest at PCT Headquarters, 22nd July 2010

August 1st, 2010 No comments

Here are some photos of the protest in Goswell Road.

For further details please visit

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Photos from Hinchingbrooke Hospital Protest

July 13th, 2010 No comments

(This page is under construction. A report will follow)



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A brief report of tonight’s meeting

March 23rd, 2010 No comments

This is a very brief report. More detail will follow over the next few of days.

Over 100 people attended the fantastic meeting tonight where we discussed plans for the next stage of the campaign. The main focus will be a day of action on Thursday 29th April, one week before the probable general election date. The day of action has been arranged for a weekday so that people who work in the areas served by the Whittington can participate in their workplaces. There will also be a rally between 12.00 and 14.00 om the day.

We are going to attend the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) demonstration outside Parliament at 11.00 on Wednesday 24th March. Local PCS branches officially support the campaign and this is a good opportunity to get the attention of politicians and highlight the connections between the Whittington campaign and that of the wider Public Sector.

Rachel Tyndall will be attending a meeting at Islington Town Hall on Monday 29th March. We should have a delegation at the meeting. Placards outside at 19.00 then in to the meeting at 19.30.

There was much discussion from the floor and Jeremy Corbyn provided an update about activities in Parliament.

Islingtonnow tweeted from the meeting (and blew my attempts out of the water.) You can read their live account of the meeting here.

Much more was discussed and minutes from the meeting will be on the site soon.

Sorry for the  somewhat perfunctory nature of this post: your web chap is very , very tired.

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