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Planning meeting 22-04-2013

May 15th, 2013 No comments

Planning Meeting

Minutes 22nd April 2013

Place: Archway Methodist Church

Time: 19:00 – 21.00

Chair: Shirley Franklin

Minutes: Mike Hart

Apologies: RM, VL, DK, DE, DN, TM

1)      Shirley reported having received an email from Joe Liddane.  He would like a meeting with us.  We need some questions for the Board of Directors.  She further reported that two key people had left the Whittington, one of whom is thought to have brought in Unipart. Unipart is encouraging the Hospital itself as‘the hospital at home’ (ie care in the community).  There is to be a new Head of Communications.

2)      A discussion ensued about what is to happen to the land to be sold off by the trust.  It was noted that the Whittington had increased its tariff in order to reduce the number of patients (and thereby justify closures).  It was pointed out that the hospital will not be able to do ‘care in the community’ if they keep (as they are doing) laying off nurses.  Home care takes up more nurses’ time, not less

3)      A number of questions for the Board of the Whittington were raised and documented.  These have been circulated.

4)      A number of activities for the ‘Day of Action’ were discussed, including leafleting  St. John’s Way Surgery, St. Anne’s Hospital, Laurels Surgery, Broadwater Farm, Stroud Green Primary, Goodinge Health Centre, London Met Uni  a number of pharmacies and of course the Whittington itself.

5)      Some discussion ensued over leafleting Islington 6th Form College with some members suggesting that young people were not interested in the NHS.  The NUS had, it was pointed out, run a campaign against ATOS. It was still felt that someone should leaflet City & Islington College and contact the NUS and Medsin ( if you want to know more).  It was suggested that we try to engage young people more in our campaign, developing an awraeness of the NHS and threats to it.

6)      Speakers for the day of action included: Natalie Bennett, National Leader of the Green Party, Dot Gibson (National Pensioner’s Convention) Jane Shalice (Stop the War) Jan Pollock, Frank Wood (Unite), Emily Thornberry (MP)

7)      An article in the Islington Tribune showing that Andrew Mitchell (Plebgate) has shares in ‘DictateIt’ used by the Whittington (resulting in job losses).  His wife Dr Bennett is on the CCG and influential with the hospital.  The GGC has also approved the Whittington’s closure plans.  (Do I hear the sound of backs being scratched?)

8)      Notices

Enfield Alliance Against Cuts.  8th May ‘Spirit of ‘45’ 7pm West Green Learning Centre N17

9)      Next Meeting The next meeting was scheduled for 6th May.  This meeting will be an admin meeting .

The meeting closed.

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Planning meeting 08-04-2013

May 15th, 2013 No comments

DWHC Planning Meeting

7.00 pm Monday 8th April 2013

Archway Methodist Hall, Archway Close

1] Intros & welcome by the Chair

2] Apols: JL, GH, RM, AS, PZ, JC, TS, ET, RW, DK, V, BF, MG (for lateness), MS, LF

3] Mins of  Mtg on 25.03.13 Agreed

4] Matters Arising: including Chair’s Up-date Time-&-Motion Study exercises still on-going @ Whittington. Shirley contacted Deborah Goodhart  (Bd of Directors) to request their Powerpoint presentation – informed there weren’t any. Bd of Ds still juggling with figures for no. of beds/staff, etc. Bd has “Patient Pathway Co-ordinators” instead of dealing with Med. Secs’ jobs. Bd is “Transforming the Patient Experience”.  Some patients sent home too early – care by private agencies staff – lower paid & no NHS contract.

Foundation Trust (F.T) applic. Turned down (on what grds?)They’ll re-submit (round June?) [all hosps must become F.Ts by 2014 says Gvt]. If turned down again, Whitt cld come under mgt by another Foundt’n Trust (F.T) Our campaign’s view re gvt of Whitt. discussed. Agreed  – there are a range of views. But all activists all agreed on need for a functioning hospital with A&E, Maternity, academic and full range of other depts. And need for democratic consultation N.B Even the Hosp. Governors were not forewarned of “Estates Strategy”! [the huge cuts & sell-off]

March Bd of Ds Mtg attended by dwhc activists. Still no agt by Bd of Ds to withdraw their plan.

5] Future Activities May 18th All Hospitals London Demo –assemble Jubilee Gdns (cards available) Cat mask also available at Whittington Ctty Centre, Yerbury Rd, N19

6] Day of Action  24th April Photos of all activities – please send to dwhc! Chair asked attenders of their planned activities at work and elsewhere. Let us know your plans

GP surgeries a.m. include: Dr Battle’s surgery: Shirley et al.

St John’s Way, N19: Jan et al  9.30-10.30am

Caversham: Margaret Scott et al. (Margaret can do signing for dwhc)

2 GP surgeries, Stroud Grn Rd: Steve & Rosie

Let us know which surgery you want to leaflet

Leafletting schools/colls/universities Belmont Sch + adjacent High Sch Lynn F

London Met Univ. Hilary  – lfletting in advance of 24th

Strolling Singers: Neil and L  Meet Lauderdale House café just after  12 on 24th Apr

Medical students @ Highgate Wing ?

TUs/Wkplaces Mick & Gary

Particular Rds/places Holly Rd. – Saskia

Help with publicity Tony

Hunt for Hunt Susan P (date?)

Others volunteered to attend Bd of Dirs’ “Discussion Mtgs”

7] Need to find another venue for resources other than Yerbury Rd  Where?

8] Stalls at Nags Head Saturdays  13th Apr,  20th Apr   volunteers?

Finsbury Pk. Tube  19th Apr      Other venues? Send yours in

For times/venues of leafletting see website All volunteers are welcome

9] Spokespeople so far: Shirley, Steve, Jan

10] Next Meeting: Monday 22nd April 2013

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Planning meeting 25-03-2013

May 15th, 2013 No comments


Archway Methodist Hall, Archway Close

Minutes 25th March 2013

Time: 19:00 – 21.00

Chair: Shirley Franklin

Minutes: Mike Hart

Apologies: JC, TS, RM, PZ, SB

1)      Situation Regarding Cuts: It was pointed out that Haringey Pensioners had been told that there were only 60 beds being cut, bringing the number of beds down to 177.  Shirley pointed out that the board do not announce bed cuts.  The Whittington website says that there are 420 beds and MPs  and the Tribune were also told this, so it may be that they have already cut some beds.

It was also pointed out that the plan is to send people home early and have them looked after at home.  This service is a privatised one, as is audiology.

2)      Feedback from the demonstration: There were about 5,000 people that turned out on a rainy day,. It seemed to be the same or more than last time.  Many passers-by and passing cars showed support.

It was reported that Haringey Schools were very supportive and that schools should be approached in future.

It was generally agreed that there was a good mix of speakers and that the length of speeches was appropriate.

It was suggested that the demonstration could have been more vocal and that stewards encouraged to use more chants to mobilise marchers.

Thanks were expressed for the efforts of Mick, Steve and Rosie, and to the staff at The Whittington Park Community Centre, Ann and Joanne, for their support in stocking leaflets and petitions.

It was pointed out that we need to get more hospital staff involved.

45,000 leaflets were distributed.

3)      Further Actions: It was pointed out that the ‘Discussion meetings’ run by the Board to put across its version of the plan had been drawing sizable numbers.  Fifty people at one meeting.   It was felt to be important that we turn up at these meetings with leaflets and also intervene to counter the board’s arguments.   In particular a factsheet should be produced and we should be suggesting alternatives to the board’s plans.

ACTION: produce a factsheet

ACTION: produce an alternative plan

4)      Day of Action: As a continuation of the lobbying of the board meetings it was suggested that we have a ‘day of action’, with activities on the morning of 24th April culminating in lobby of the board meeting scheduled for that day.

As well as lobbying the Board, the Day of Action should be seen as part of a campaign to build support for the demonstration on 18th May.  Activities are to include wearing cat masks, getting people to sign petitions, leafleting , visiting local surgeries.

Leaflets will be available, as usual from the Whittington Community Centre on Yerbury Rd.

Mick suggested that we produce a leaflet to expose the actions of Unipart who have implemented time and motion studies, bullied staff and designed the cuts in staff numbers.

A discussion ensued about whether to invite Lynne Featherstone to speak on the day.  There was some opposition but the consensus was that inviting her to speak would be giving her rope with which to hang herself.

ACTION:  everyone.  Think of actions for the day of action.

Ed Miliband is a local resident.  Although he declined to come and speak last time, it was felt to be worthwhile asking him again.

A call was made for someone who would be prepared to dress up as a cat.

It was felt that there should be more contact with other local groups, including DWHC sending speakers to explain the situation to other groups.

ACTION:  Dan to organise a list of local groups and contact them.

5)      Other Matters: A couple of Legal firms had offered to mount a legal challenge to the Whittington Board’s plans.  The firms are Lee Day and a Ms Irwin from Irwin Mitchell solicitors..  The person actually challenging the board needs to be someone on benefit, in order to get legal aid.

ACTION: find someone who will do the above.

It was announced that Chase Farm would be closing in the next few days.

Someone asked if we could obtain the Powerpoints that the Board have used for presentations.

ACTION: Shirley to ask the Hospital’s Head of Communications Deborah Goodhart for the Powerpoints.

It was noted that the Hospital had increased its tariffs in order to dissuade local GPs from using them, presumably in an attempt to justify cuts.

A vote was taken over whether we should place a May Day advert in Socialist Worker.  The motion was defeated with 5 votes for and 6 against.

After some discussion, the following motion was carried: This meeting of dwhc does not accept that immigrants are burden on the NHS or other public services. On the contrary immigrant workers have played a vital role since the NHS was set up in 1945. We condemn Prime Minister Cameron’s attempts to divide us by scapegoating immigrants and turning our attention away from the destruction his austerity and privatisation policies are causing to our hospitals.

There were 23 votes for the motion 2 against and 1 abstention.

6)  The meeting closed.  Next meeting 8th April, 7pm at Archway Methodist Church Hall.

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Planning meeting 04-03-2013

May 15th, 2013 No comments

Minutes 4th March 2013

Place: Archway Methodist Church

Time: 19:00 – 21.00

Chair: Shirley Franklin

Minutes: Mike Hart

Apologies: JC, GH

1)      Review of Previous Actions: Shirley reported on the lobby of the Whittington’s board meeting  on Wednesday 27th February.  She was expecting between 20-50 people, but in the end a magnificent 150 turned up including people from Unite, Unison and GMB.

In the Board meeting Shirley (spoke for 15 minutes) outlined our demands of no loss of jobs, no loss of beds and no land sell off.  The Board were asked to withdraw their proposal, but refused to answer despite calls from other people present, for the board to answer the question.  In fact the proposals have been refused locally, it is thought, because they have cut away too much of the hospital.  The plans will be resubmitted in four months.

The next Board meeting will be on the 27th March 2013.

2)      Bed Reductions: Dr Koh , the Chief Executive of the Hospital, had stated that the number of beds was to be reduced from 360 to 177.  Deborah Goodheart (director of communications) stated in conversation that only 60 beds were to be cut.  These numbers seem to change frequently, so it is difficult to know what is going to happen.

3)      The Management Discussion Meetings:  Whittington Health are holding a series of ‘Discussion Meetings for the Public’.  At these meetings they have been saying that the sell off is in the best interests of the public.   There are a series of meetings (dates on the Whittington website).

A discussion ensued over whether we should give credence to the meetings by turning up, and if so what kind of intervention should take place.

In the discussion it was pointed out that the meetings are being billed as ‘consultations’.  They are not consultations and this should be made clear to the board, especially as the board have promised consultations.

One person pointed out that there are a number of these kinds of meetings.  They are often a focus for resistance and we should both be present and have them listed on DWHC’s website.

The outcome of the discussion was that lobbying the board meetings was a much more important task, but that if people wish to add going to the ‘discussion’ meetings as well then this would be a good thing to do.

We should only attend in small numbers to counter the board’s arguments.

4)      Board Meetings:

The question was asked as to who the Board are and how it is selected.  It was explained that the board is appointed through an appointments committee, but no one had any details of how this works.

There are also governors who are elected but they have no power.  Board meetings are decision making meeting (unlike the ‘consultation’ meetings). The Governors were not consulted and did not know about the sell-off plans.

A number of speakers expressed the view that because the board is a quango, it will only listen if forced to by big crowds and lots of publicity in the local press.  We should be turning up at their meetings regularly.  The meetings should be listed on the website.

One speaker pointed out that there were a number of forums that allowed some democratic input.  Although at the moment they were not effective we could rebuild them by attending their meetings.

A representative from Islington Trades Union Council promised to encourage TUs to take part in the lobbies.  He felt that there would be support despite the lack of interest by the regional office.  He also felt that it was important that we show solidarity with other workers, especially Clerkenwell fire station.

Some speakers called for a discussion of the strategy used during the lobbying.  In particular it was felt that the lobby should have continued for longer than it did.

It was suggested that we advertise the lobby using leaflets on the march (on the 18th March).

It was agreed that we should continue to prioritise the lobbying of the board meetings and build support for doing this.

5)      Demonstration on 18th March

A meeting was held with the police on Friday 2nd March.  The police insist that there must be 100 stewards.  There are a number of different stewards groups needed.  Some are needed for Highbury corner to give out placards, some to hold a large banner at the front of the march plus some extra stewards at the front of the march.  Stewards are also needed to help people with disabilities, a team will be needed for managing the stage, some people will be needed at the back of the march and people a team will be need  to collect money.

20 stewards have been pledged from Camden ITUC and another 20 from Unite.  There are about 5 organisations that have offered support.  IHOOPs and medical secretaries promised to try and get members to volunteer.

It was suggested that the local MPs approach Arsenal and Arsenal’s supporters group for support.

Kevin Doherty was appointed head steward.  It was announced that there would be a stewards meeting at 11:00 on the day.

A discussion ensued on leafleting, with sites identified and volunteers names taken for leafleting in the run up to the march.  A schedule is to be put on the web site.  Leaflets and posters will be available from the community centre in Yerbury Road, during office hours.

It was suggested that leaflets be taken round to surgeries, mosques, churches and other community places.  Also that people should use DWHC’s Facebook page.

The issue of insurance was raised.  After some discussion it was decided that we should not take out insurance.  As one person stated, safety is the responsibility of the authorities and the attempt to get organisers to take insurance, is an attempt to limit the right to march.

Donations to date amount to £5,000.00 from GMB and Camden Unison, but of course more donations are needed.

Speakers so far include:  The four MPs, Catherine West (leader of Islington council), Natalie Bennett (from the Green Party), Owen Jones, Candy Udwin, Wendy Savage, someone from Save Chase Farm, someone from Barnet Alliance, Jo Brand, Mark Steel, Greg Edwards, Helen Davies (from Barnet Alliance), Someone from IHOOPS, and DEPAC. Someone from RMT .

6)      Notices

Barnet Alliance for Public Services:  demonstration to defend Barnet’s public services Saturday 23rd March. The next Whittington Hospital board meeting will be on the 27th March 2013.

KONP/SOH:  All London march to defend the NHS 18th May

Save Ealing Hospital Demonstration 27th April

7)      Next Meeting The next meeting was scheduled for 18th March, although some doubt was expressed, due to its proximity to the march.

The meeting closed.


7.00 pm   Monday 25th March Archway Methodist Hall

  1. Introductions

  1. Apologies for Absence

  1. Minutes – accuracy and matters arising

  1. Feedback from demonstration

  1. Campaign Update:

Activities to date – Board Discussion Meetings

Position of Board – plans for Foundation Trust

6. Future Activities

All London Hospitals KONP Demo on 18th May, assembling at Jubilee Gardens

Day of Action on date of next Board Meeting- Wednesday 24th April

Legal action

7. Other Health Campaigns

8. AOB

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Planning meeting 19-02-2013

May 15th, 2013 No comments
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