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Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition Update

January 15th, 2010 No comments

Dates for your diary:

20th January, Wednesday, there is a meeting of the Haringey Council Scrutiny committee meeting at which Rob Larkman, Chief Executive of the Whittington Hospital will speak. It’s at 6pm – at the Haringey Civic Centre, High Road, N22. Campaigners from the Defend Haringey Health Services are going and would welcome our mutual support.

21st January, Thursday, meeting of the Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition, Whittington Community Centre, Yerbury Road N19.  All are welcome to help plan the campaign.

25th January, Monday, public meeting at Archway Methodist Church Hall at 7.00pm at which Rachel Tyndall of North London Central NHS will reply to questions put to her at the last public meeting.

Go to whatever you can, no-one is expecting everyone to attend all three.

Probably the most important is the one on the 25th as a good presence is necessary to show how strongly people object to the closure proposals directly to the NHS officials. Read more…

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