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DWHC AGM minutes 1 December 2014

December 14th, 2014 Leave a comment Go to comments

Place:  Archway Methodist Church 19.00 – 21.00


Chair:  Shirley Franklin   Minutes: Valerie Lipman


  1. Introductions and apologies

Shirley welcomed everyone to the AGM.  Twelve people attended the meeting. Apologies were received from Jeremy Corbyn, Gary Heather, Phillip Richards


  1. Minutes and matters arising of 2013 AGM

These were approved.  There were no matters arising.


  1. Chair’s Report for 2013/14

Shirley gave a summary of the year’s activities. Following the success of last year’s vigorous campaign 2013 had been a quieter year but with some solid activities.  At the start of the year members of the DWHC occupied a Board meeting, at which they called for the resignations of the new Chair (Steven Hitchens) and Dr Koh, the CEO. During the year the Whittington Hospital saw its CEO and other members of the Board resign. An interim CEO was appointed, Simon Pleydell, who following an open recruitment process has just taken up the substantive post. The DWHC held two public meetings in the year.  Steven Hitchens attended the first in February, after much havering about whether he would/wouldn’t take part, and stated publically that the Whittington was not a District Hospital, which lent some confusion to the status of the hospital and what constitutes a district hospital. Later in the year, following collaboration at our planning meetings and on email, we developed the DWHC ‘Manifesto for Whittington Hospital’, which we launched at our second public meeting in October, The manifesto sets out a ten point agenda for local and national health care. Simon Pleydell attended the public meeting, giving a summary of the current position of the hospital and seeking the meeting’s views on ways forward.  In addition Shirley noted the ongoing support the DWHC has given to Whittington staff, by joining union pickets, days of action and rallys in support of the NHS.

Shirley thanked everyone for their input over the last year.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Alice Kilroy reported on the DWHC accounts. There was a balance of £1,678.89  in the account as at 28 November 2014 – about half of last year’s monies in the bank.  Income had been very low, with just a small donation and a couple of collections from the two public meetings.  while the greatest expenditure had been on printing leaflets for public meetings and the manifesto.  We are waiting on donations from UNISON who have offered further funds to the DWHC.

The meeting discussed ways of raising more funds, including street collections, stalls, writing to the local unions and trades council.

Alice was thanked for all her work.


  1. Elections

There being no further nominations the following positions and post holders were agreed:

Chair: Shirley Franklyn

Treasurer:  Alice Kilroy

Secretary – database and mailings: Jem Lindon

Secretary – minutes – Valerie Lipman

Website: Tony Marshall


  1. The Year Ahead

Four areas were discussed: establishing what’s happening about the Whittington A&E service; promoting the Manifesto; raising funds and administrative work related to our mailing lists.

  • A&E  – there had been a report that the Isis Ward in A&E (which is ‘holding’ ward until people have been found a bed) may be closed as part of cost savings by the hospital.  Consultants and other hospital staff have expressed concern about the future of the A&E. It was agreed the planning group needed to find out more, and members will attend the next Whittington Board meeting on the 3rd December, and report back at next DWHC meeting. Shirley would also approach all media contacts, if it seen that the closure of Isis is an indication of further cuts to A&E.
  • Manifesto – agreed that this needs to be promoted and circulated more.  Members to circulate as widely as possible, and return completed petitions to the Whittington Community Centre on Yerbury Road.  An aim is to use the petition as the basis of hustings leading up to the May 2015 national election.  The petition will also be put on line.
  • Fundraising – The meeting agreed to hold a stall along the Holloway Road (near Selby’s) on 13th December 11.30 – 1.00, at which we will have our manifestos and petitions to sign, as well as collection jars.  As many people as possible to help out at the stall. Another date is also to be found to put on the play ‘This May Hurt a Bit’, which was postponed from October because of the actors other commitments.  Shirley to pursue.
  • Administration – there have difficulties in transferring names and addresses from one list to our main database on the computer.  Jem and Ben agreed to sort.


  1. AOB
  2. a) There was a discussion about whether meetings should continue to be held monthly or not.  Given the forthcoming election and the possible cuts to A&E it was agreed that planning meetings would continue on a monthly basis
  3. b) that we would hold hustings during the election period
  4. c) Shirley, Valerie and all involved in keeping the campaign going, were warmly thanked for their work over the year.



  1. Close of AGM 7.45pm.

The next ordinary meeting of the DWHC Planning group will be 5th January 2015 at Archway Methodist Centre




VL/ 9 Dec 201

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