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DWHC planning meeting minutes 6 October 2014

November 2nd, 2014 Leave a comment Go to comments



Place: Archway Methodist Church 19.00 – 20.30


Chair: Shirley Franklin   Minutes: Valerie Lipman


  1. Introductions and apologies

Shirley welcomed everyone to the meeting. Eleven people attended. Apologies were received from two people.


  1. Minutes and matters arising

Previous minutes were approved. There were no matters arising that were not already on the agenda.


  1. Update


  • Noted that the Tribune contained short article about recruitment for new CEO, with aim of having someone in place by December
  • Some uncertainty expressed about the current status of the Whittington’s application to become a Foundation Trust.       VL agreed to check board meeting minutes on line.
  • It was reported that the last Whittington Board meeting had discussed their forthcoming public consultation programme with their stakeholders – this included Islington Pensioners forum, who were still waiting to hear.

13th October – National strike by health unions for better wages – UNISON, GMB, UNITE and RCM, supported by TUC all on strike 7 – 11 a.m. Picket taking place outside A&E at Whittington between 8 – 9am. DWHC and other groups to meet outside hospital. DWHC to have stall with flyers for public meeting, copies of manifesto and badges. Jeremy Corbyn speaking at picket.


  1. DWHC Manifesto & public meeting 14th October

Copies of the manifesto and petition and flyer for the public meeting were circulated.


Agreed speakers include: Simon Pleydell, George Durack (Islington Pensioners Forum) and Candy Unwin. Shirley to present/launch manifesto. Natalie Bennett was no longer able to make it. Still waiting to confirm from Jeremy Corbyn, David Lammy and David King (St Anns Hospital Campaign). Simon to be allocated 15 mins plus questions/discussion time. Shirley to launch the manifesto/


  • To try to raise money from the meeting – Shirley to bring buckets, Alice to be asked to do short appeal mid-way through the meeting
  • To give small donation to St Mellitus’s Church – for giving the hall for free
  • That Gary would look after the table with leaflets etc
  • To check room has sound system/roving mic
  • To leaflet at Kentish Town, Tufnell Park stations and Nags Head.


  1. TUC Day of Action 18th October

Local group, Trades Council etc will be meeting at Angel tube at 11.00. DWHC still has problems finding people to hold their banner.

Tony will be taking photos.


AOB – there were no additional items

111/Out of hours service – concerns were raised that now that the CCGs in five boroughs in north London have agreed to tender collectively for an organisation to take on these services, that only a private company will have sufficient resources to make an acceptable bid. The CCGs must be urged to consider consortia of local GPs, even this results in some additional costs. Public meeting being held about this issue at Camden Town Hall, Monday evening 6-7 pm


The meeting closed at 8.30

The next meeting will be held on 1st December7-9pm at Archway Methodist Centre

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