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Minutes 24 June 2013

Planning Meeting of DWHC at Archway Methodist Church hall,

Monday 8th July 7.00 – 9.00 pm


  1. Introductions and apologies
  2. Minutes and matters arising
  3. Brief Update
  4. Our strategy – going forward
  5. Future Events: Monday 15th July London KONP , Camden Town Hall

Healthwatch 17/7, Joint Scrutiny Committee, 19/7

24th July Board Meeting

September Public Meeting

29th September Demonstration

December Social

  1. AOB

Minutes 24th June 2013, 19.00 – 2100 at Archway Methodist Church

Chair: Shirley Franklin, Minutes: Mike Hart       Apologies:  Rod Mick Rosie Francis

1)       Minutes of the previous meeting

2)       Reports A stall had been held on ‘The Big Day Out’ in Whittington Park.  People on the stall had spoken to a lot of visitors and had a very positive response.

A contingent went on the firefighter’s march, where Shirley spoke.

Some people had gone on the ‘Hunt for Hunt’ demo.  It was raining and that limited the effect to some extent.  Some of the coaches had only been half full.  Still there was a very positive response from the people in Hunt’s constituency, who are much less keen on privatising the NHS than he is.

The march called by Unite, GMB and Unison for the 29th September outside the Tory Party conference was mentioned.  Transport will be going from London.

The People’s Assembly was packed and there was lots of lively discussion.  Wendy Savage had spoken at the quite vociferous health section meeting.

3)       Review and Assessment Shirley briefly recapped on our activities since the introduction of the White Paper that preceded the Health & Social Care Bill.  The White Paper (and the subsequent act) forces all hospitals to become Foundation Trusts by 2014.  Foundation Trusts are run independently (sort of) of the government and are run like businesses so they fit the new marketised model.

Unipart, the car parts firm, had been contracted by the board  for £500,000 to help restructure the hospital.  This had resulted in job losses and reduced service.  Many of the hospital’s functions (eg IT, printing) have been privatised. Especially the scheme for looking after patients ‘in the community’, is run by a private company.

There is still a plan to reduce services and beds and turn the hospital into a Foundation Trust.

DWHC had had a very successful public meeting, organised a demonstration and had had a day of action as well as some lobbying of the board, stalls and petitions.

4)       Current Situation Better Archway had issued a questionnaire asking about selling off buildings.  It the buildings are sold teaching will probably go and the money will go with it.  It will also result in a lowering of standards. The loss of teaching could well presage the eventual closure or downgrading of the Whittington.

It was suggested that people write to the local papers to object to any closure of the teaching departments.  It is also useful to leave comments on the website.

Jan suggested that we produce a letter for outpatients to hand to the board.  This was approved.


The board had not replied to our questions.  Shirley agreed to chase them.

ACTION: Shirley

It was agreed that as many people as possible should turn up at ICCGs Patient meetings.  There are two layers.  Each surgery has a Patient Participation group and the CCG runs ‘Pan Islington’ groups.

5)       Board Meeting 26th June It was agreed that our presence should be small (4-5 people) and that we should wear surgical masks to show we are being silenced.

The board has to respond to the Francis report, so they are they are consulting a bit with staff.

6)       65th Birthday of NHS A Unite rep present at the meeting offered funding for a party and it was agreed that we would have a party with cake outside the Whittington from 1:00 to 3:00pm.

7)       Students There are fewer places at medical school now and many medical students are not interested in resisting the Act.

It was agreed that in October, we should leaflet London Met and other local colleges.

It appears that the London BMA is very sympathetic to our views and may have a leaflet for students.

8)       Richard Moth: On a vote the following statement was unanimously approved:

Richard Moth no longer holds any office in, nor is he a member of, Defend Whittington Hospital Coalition.  It is therefore agreed that he should be removed as a signatory to the bank account.

9)       Harmoni: Camden KONP are demanding a public enquiry into Harmoni (now owned by ‘Care’ UK) which runs the out-of-hours service.   Other non commercial bidders were excluded on financial grounds.

This will be discussed at Camden’s Health & Scrutiny Committee meeting. Camden Town Hall 2nd July 6:30pm

10)   Events:

1st July Assembly Hall Upper St N1 Spirit of ‘45

10th July Moravian Church Priory Rd, Crouch End 7:00 – 9:00 Spirit of ‘45

11)   Meeting Closed.

Chair                                                                     Date

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