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Minutes 3 June 2013

Planning Meeting

Monday 24th June 2013


  1. Introductions and apologies
  2. Minutes and matters arising
  3. Whitt Update
  4. Future activities

Board Meeting on  26th June

Letter Writing

Social and Gig



  1. Other campaigns
  2. A.O.B.

Minutes 3rd June 2013, Archway Methodist Church, 19:00 – 21.00

Chair: Shirley Franklin   Minutes: Mike Hart

Apologies:  JP, PZ

1)      Review of Action to Date As there were quite a few new members present, Shirley gave a brief review of the dispute between us and the Whittington board.

They had proposed a meeting chaired by Joe Liddane (Head of the board) with the board setting the agenda.  It was felt that this was not a meeting of equals to hammer out some kind of consensus, but rather a way of appearing to consult without actually taking our views into account.

In the end JL sent a powerpoint of what he would have said that tells us very little but vindicates our decision not to attend.  The powerpoint has been circulated.

This was full of clichés giving very little detail. However the small print on page 13 indicated that a and e services, readmissions, community sevices and outpatients  will all be re

2)      Our response to the breakdown of the meeting.  Suggestions included formulating our response via email, having a small group meet with Liddane but make it clear that his responses will be made public.

It was also suggested that we find out what the various local councils think of the plans.

Rod said he would attend the Joint North Central London Scrutiny Committee meeting on 6th June 2013 at 10:00.  This committee will ask difficult questions of the board.

ACTION: Rod to report back.

It was pointed out that ‘Transforming the Patient Experience’ is costed for providing medical care but people at home will also need social care and this would be charged to the patient.

There was a report that GPs are being trained to ‘refer less’.  There was some discussion about informing GPs about the implications of these kinds of policies.

One member pointed out that GPs are most worried about running out of funds.  Another person asked if it would be possible to produce an information sheet.

ACTION: produce info sheet on tariffs Mike

One person had been to one of the Joint Scrutiny committee meeting and reported that the committee had criticised the board for lack of transparency.

Someone suggested that it might be useful to email each other this kind of information.

It was pointed out that there are a lot of resources on the website.  Much of the information is archived but will appear in searches.  It is also possible to add information via the comments boxes.

It was suggested that we write to the body that now validates Foundation Trusts (no longer Monitor, we understand)) and point out the Board’s failings.  In doing so we should point out their confusion and explain the consequences for patients.

3)      Contacting the Press One attendee suggested that we all write to the local press with our concerns.

Another person pointed out that if everyone writes the press will get confused by the number of differing narratives.  One strong narrative is very important.

The suggestion was made that we form a media group.  This had strong support from the other members.

Shirley did not feel that this was a realistic proposal.  She was contacted by the press frequently and had press contacts built up over many years.  Also knowing what to say depends on being steeped in the issues.

She also felt that our media presence in the press was very good.  What did need attention was the Facebook page (where no one posted anything) and the twitter account (tweets were few and far between) although Shirley felt that these were not ideal campaigning tools.

It was agreed to come back to this issue as there was an unresolved difference of opinion.

ACTION: Shirley to put this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

4)      Stalls Some members had set up a stall at the Mayton St Festival.  The stall went very well.  A lot of interest was shown and we obtained a number of signatures to the petition as well as speaking to local people.

5)      Delegates Luke agreed to attend the Left Unity meeting and the People’s Assembly Against Austerity on our behalf.  Others are invited to go.

A request was made for a speaker at the Federation of Medical Students’ (September 16-18th) National Campaign against the cuts.

6)      Events

FBU Demo Sat 8th June. Assemble Highbury Fields (by tennis courts), Islington, 12 noon

BIG DAY OUT STALL Sat 8th June Whittington Park (off Holloway Rd)   1-5pm.  Meet in the Tea rooms 12:00

KONP/SOH LONDON MEETING WEDNESDAY 12th JUNE 6:30pm Unite House, 128 Theobalds Rd, WC1

HUNT FOR HUNT SATURDAY 15th JUNE North London coach leaving from Unite Offices on Green Lanes (nearest Tube Manor House)


ISLINGTON LEFT UNITY 16th JUNE – Showing of Ken Loach’s film Spirit of ‘45 Islington Pub, Tolpuddle St 6:00pm

PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY SATURDAY 22nd JUNE http://thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/

FILM SHOWING – The Spirit of ’45 by Ken Loach, Monday 1st July  Islington Assembly Hall (Next to Town Hall) 7-8.30pm, followed by discussion and drinks. With Jeremy Corbyn, Emily Thornberry, Catherine West. A Rowan Arts event.

Anniversary of NHS Day of Action 5th July

7)      The meeting closed.  Next meeting TBA.

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