Events – DEFEND THE WHITTINGTON HOSPITAL COALITION Campaigning to save beds, jobs, services and buildings and to stop privatisation Mon, 28 Jun 2010 23:31:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Events – DEFEND THE WHITTINGTON HOSPITAL COALITION 32 32 National Protest at Hinchingbrooke Hospital Sun, 27 Jun 2010 21:19:17 +0000 The DWHC is sponsoring a coach to take supporters from North London to a national demo at Huntingdon. This is a significant event because this entire hospital is at risk of privatisation. Speakers will include John Lister, Jerry Hicks, local campaigners Jonathan Salt, Independent councillor for St. Ives and Martin Booth from UNISON, Mary Cooke from Pensioners Association.

Return journey will cost £8 (waged) or £4 (unwaged). Please contact DWHC if you are interested in attending this day out.

For background information refer to this Briefing Note from UNISON: Hinchingbrooke_April_2010

Protests on Budget Day (22nd June) Sun, 27 Jun 2010 20:46:04 +0000 The DWHC participated in two separate protests on Tuesday 22nd June. The first protest, between 12 noon and 1pm, was outside the Whittington main entrance, and was attended by about 70 supporters. Then at 6:30pm the DWHC joined forces with other groups outside Islington Town Hall

Press Coverage

Islington Tribune, 25th Jun 2010: Campaign group mobilises to fight cuts in mental health services

Islington Gazette, 24th Jun 2010: Protesters fight to halt new health cuts plan

Photographs (lunchtime protest)

Photographs (evening protest)

DWHC Planning Meeting Wed, 05 May 2010 07:11:50 +0000 Regular planning meeting with a focus on where we go next. All are welcome.

People’s Charter Hustings 30th April Tue, 27 Apr 2010 21:28:59 +0000 The People’s Charter are hosting a hustings at Islington Central Library this Friday, 30th April.

This is a great opportunity to ask the candidates for their views on The Whittington and maybe even get a commitment or two!

For more details please visit the People’s Charter site, and you can download a flyer from the site here. (.pdf)

Planning Meeting Fri, 23 Apr 2010 13:00:46 +0000 Regular planning meeting but with a focus on the Day of Action (29th April 2010). All are welcome.

March to Defend the Welfare State and Public Services Thu, 08 Apr 2010 13:55:08 +0000 This information is courtesy of Keep Our NHS Public (KONP):

Saturday 10th April, 12.00,  Embankment

Rally at 14.00 in Trafalgar Square

This demonstration is set to coincide with the calling of an election where all the main parties are threatening deep cuts in our public services. Called by the National Pensioners Convention and backed by most Trade Unions it is likely to be large. Join us on the NHS contingent:

Look out for the banner “Fight for the NHS”!

Meet at 12 noon at the corner of Embankment and Middle Temple Lane- (see map above)

Or those who find walking difficult can join us in Trafalgar Square.

There are more details at:

DWHC Planning Meeting Wed, 07 Apr 2010 18:54:40 +0000 Regular planning meeting but with a focus on the Day of Action (29th April 2010). All are welcome.

Day of Action Mon, 05 Apr 2010 09:00:49 +0000 We are going to have a day of action for the Whittington on Thursday 29th April and would like workplaces, surgeries, nurseries, housing associations etc. to organize events and hold photo opportunities during the day.  We can come round and take photos of the events you organise with a view to creating a montage for the website and distribution to the press.

Please let us know what you can do. We have posters and badges available so please let us know if you need some.

The focal point of the day will be a rally outside the Whittington from 12.00 until 14.00.  This is an opportunity to remind North Central London NHS that this is our hospital, not theirs, and to show our support for the workers and patients of the Whittington.

You can see a list of the events planned so far, and confirmed speakers for the rally, here:

Please come along if you can.

Public Meeting with North Central London NHS Tue, 02 Mar 2010 09:20:04 +0000 Lynne Featherstone, Liberal Democrat MP for Hornsey & Wood Green, has arranged a public meeting with, among others, Rachel Tyndall (Chair of the North Central London (NCL) review panel.)

This is an opportunity to ask more about the proposals and demand proper consultation.

There’s more information on Lynne Featherstone’s blog  here.

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DWHC Planning Meeting Mon, 01 Mar 2010 20:01:29 +0000 Regular planning meeting. All are welcome

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