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DWHC meeting 13 September 2018 minutes

October 30th, 2018 Leave a comment Go to comments

Minutes of DWHC Planning Meeting, 13th September 2018.

6.30-8.00pm at Archway Methodist Hall;


  1. Present: Jem (Chair) Shirley F, Steve C, Martin F, Rosie, Phil

Apologies:   Gary H, Tricia, Valerie L, Alice, Linda C

  1. Minutes of last meeting: Agreed
  2. Matters arising Steve reported that the film showing of The Great NHS Heist with Dr Bob Gill, a GP, focussed on the dire impacts of privatisation. He will be doing several showings of the film and is highly recommended.
  3. 4. Update –

Meeting with Jonathan Gardner, Director of Strategy and Communication at Whittington Health with Shirley and Valerie. Most of the meeting was spent outlining the purpose of the meetings. We only had time for a very short discussion about the Estate Strategy. We were told that “architects” (we think he meant planners) were being procured for the process. We reiterated our opposition to the CCG proposals to relocate St Pancras Mental Heath where the current Staff quarters and Education Blocks are. Both facilities should be retained on site. We also think the St Pancras should be done up and retained for mental health and that Moorfields should not be sold off, and the services moved to St Pancras.


We are hoping that our future meetings will cover more about the Estate Strategy, about the Haringey Islington Partnership and the SEP as well as issues at the hospital, such as staffing, bullying, staff morale,  A and E, etc.

Ryhurst/ Rydon Campaign We agreed to hold a protest if there is a court case regarding the breaking off of the procurement with Rydon. If there was an out -of-court settlement we would protest outside the Hospital with our placards.

Forthcoming AGM on 26th September. Phil said that he would try to attend.

We again expressed concern about the secrecy of the Board and the Boards lack of transparency. Minutes from the private Board Meetings where more significant issues are discussed are not available to the public…

  1. Finances

Martin F was going to the Islington National Education Union meeting to ask for £250.

We want to extend this financial support from other local trade unions

  1. Discussion on future activities
  2. i) We continue to meet with Management of the Hospital, if information is more forthcoming.
  3. ii) We will monitor the Estate Strategy developments in terms of proposals for private provision, cuts in care and selloffs

iii) Monitor the interests of Board members

iv Investigate and monitor privatisation at the hospital – eg Sodexho, IT services, etc

Date of Next Planning Meeting  Tuesday 30th October

Shirley 28.09.2018

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